Our Journey

Our Journey

It’s been a crazy whirlwind since we launched Letterbox Beauty and it seems like a good time to take stock, feel grateful and remind ourselves of how far we’ve come!

For the benefit of those who are new to us, we will start from the beginning…

Launched during the first Coronavirus lockdown, we were looking for ways to reach out to our much loved Spa clients. Our incredibly talented local Aromatherapist (Jodi) at Naturally Good Scents was providing aromatherapy letterbox gift sets, they went down an absolute storm and we were sending them not just to our own clients, but to their loved ones as well!

We knew people were struggling with the sudden change, uncertainty and feeling cooped up at home, so we turned our minds to what else we could do to provide people with that spa feeling at home, to help switch off and relax.

We probably have our new baby Emme to thank for the existence of Letterbox Beauty, as the idea for letterbox facials came to me in the middle of a very sleepy night feed, at around 4am. It was a huge challenge for both me and my husband (Jonny) to develop a new business with two children under two, during a pandemic, but we can honestly say it was worth all those extra late nights and moments of madness!

While the products are made up and packaged in our health spa retreat, we have always needed a separate space to pack orders for Letterbox Beauty. For a VERY brief period we packed boxes on the kitchen table, before quickly realising that a toddler and a baby being around didn’t really help the packing process.

Letterbox Beauty HQ was moved to an attic room, where we stored all of our new products and took delivery of our first generation branded boxes. Our social media journey began, with our lovely friend Bryony guiding us. We also enjoyed working with some fantastic Brand Ambassadors, who have lovingly championed our brand and products. Most importantly we listened to our customers feedback, developed and added new product lines!

We started posting orders out four times a week to keep up with demand and I began spending more and more time in ‘the attic room’ packing your letterbox gifts… My back was starting to complain that I was packing boxes bent over (very low ceilings up there!), with a big delivery looming it was time to move again.

With lockdown 3 upon us, we realised that we probably wouldn’t be needing our spare bedroom for a while. The bed was dismantled and I finally had a lovely room with lots of ceiling height, shelving and space! Following our partnership with Not On The High Street and our own sales rapidly increasing, we took our biggest ever order of boxes. Branded large hamper gift boxes were introduced and we finally had a use for some beautiful map drawers we had stored in the garage!

I still pinch myself at how far we have come and while I hoped that Letterbox Beauty would be a success, it really is incredible how quickly we have grown. We are SO grateful to everyone that has helped us along the way, a few people really have been key to our success and we appreciate them enormously!

We have lots of exciting plans for the future and I’m almost certain we will need to relocate again for more storage (either that, or the children will have to move out 😉)! THANK YOU for being a part of our journey, we have loved sending letterbox gifts and spa hampers to your loved ones up and down the UK… I can’t wait to see what the next few years have in store for us.

Katie x

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